Amazon Announces Apple AirPlay Rival At CES At the ongoing CES 2024 conference in Las Vegas, Amazon has unveiled a new feature resembling Apple’s AirPlay. While Apple’s AirPlay is a proprietary wireless communication protocol limited to Apple devices, Amazon’s latest feature is designed to work seamlessly across various platforms. This functionality enables both iPhone and Android device users to wirelessly stream videos and other content to Amazon’s TV hardware. Humane Lays Off 4 Per Cent Staff Humane has reportedly laid off four per cent of its employees this week, in a move that is said to be a cost-cutting measure to those affected, according to sources familiar with the situation, the media has reported. Leadership of the company recently informed employees that budgets would be reduced this year, as shared by an anonymous source. WEF Identifies AI-Driven Misinformation As Top Global Threat The World Economic Forum (WEF) has said the surge in AI-driven misinformation and disinformation is the primary short-term threat to the global economy, particularly in its potential impact on crucial upcoming elections, the media has reported. In a notably gloomy evaluation, the organisation hosting its annual meeting in Davos next week, voiced apprehension about the potential disruption of politics due to the proliferation of false information. This could result in scenarios such as riots, strikes, and government-led crackdowns on dissent, says a report by The Guardian. Click here to read more googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(“div-gpt-ad-6601185-5”); }); Apple iPhone’s Famous AirDrop Feature Cracked By China A Chinese government-backed entity has devised a technique to identify individuals using Apple iPhone’s popular AirDrop feature, as part of broader efforts to curb undesirable content, as per Beijing authorities, the media has reported. The Beijing institute created a method to breach the encrypted device log of an iPhone, extracting sender numbers and emails of those sharing AirDrop content, as revealed by the city’s judicial bureau in an online statement, news agency Bloomberg has reported. Click here to read full report Vibrant Gujarat Summit: Micron To Set Up Semiconductor Plant During his address at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2024, Sanjay Mehrotra, the CEO of Micron Technology, shed light on the tremendous opportunities awaiting India in the field of semiconductors. The three-day-long summit aims to deliver forward-thinking ideas crucial for India’s emergence as a formidable semiconductor hub. Micron, a technological innovator at the core of computing systems for four decades, stands as a leading force in the realm of memory chips. The company, in collaboration with Tata, has initiated the phased construction of a cutting-edge semiconductor facility, marking a notable stride in India’s technological landscape. Click here to read more